A Life of Service
About Ed Wehrheim

A Life of Service

Supervisor Ed Wehrheim was born and raised in the Smithtown Hamlet of Kings Park. A decorated Veteran, Wehrheim honorably served two tours in Vietnam, in the US Navy, where he was awarded the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal. After serving his Country, Wehrheim devoted his entire career to the Town of Smithtown, working his way through the ranks from laborer, to Director of Parks, Buildings & Grounds, where he remained until being appointed to Town Council in 2003. He was elected and sworn into the Office of Supervisor in January of 2018. Supervisor Ed Wehrheim has over 40 years of government experience, beginning his employment with the Smithtown Department of Parks, Buildings and Grounds in 1972. He was appointed as director of the department in 1989 and remained department director until his retirement in 2003. During his tenure as director, Wehrheim was proud to have Smithtown's recreational facilities labeled as some of the finest facilities in the State of New York.
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Lets Build a Better Smithtown Together

In his first term in office as the town of Smithtown Supervisor; Ed Wehrheim has prioritized preserving the environment, restoring the parks system and downtown revitalization. He has developed a feasible timeline to ensure the implementation of modern wastewater management, taken a hands-on role in securing new business, cleaning up vacant and blighted properties. In just over three years, Supervisor Wehrheim has successfully renovated and repaired approximately 75% of the town’s parks, and beaches.  He commissioned an updated Comprehensive Master Plan, which was last adopted in 1957. The Master plan amends the town’s zoning to be more aligned with current land usage, economy and population. The new master plan prioritizes preserving residential neighborhoods & agriculture, creating an open space fund, pedestrian friendly vibrant downtowns and the remediation of industrial areas. 

In just over three years, Ed Wehrheim has successfully renovated and repaired approximately 75% of the town’s parks, and beaches. Projects include renovations and repairs to

  • Flynn Memorial Ballpark
  • Kings Park Memorial Park
  • Long Beach Dog Park
  • Moriches Park Playground & Soccer Fields
  • Gaynor Park
  • Gibbs Pond Park
  • Nesconset Gazebo/Armory
  • Morewood Park
  • Long Beach Pavillion
  • Otto Schubert Beach
  • Short Beach Playground
  • KP Bluff
  • East Hills Park
  • Laurel Drive Park
  • Hike and bike trail: repaired over a mile of the trail
  • Landing Country Club
  • Brady Park
  • Hoyt Farm Nature Preserve

There is no greater priority than preserving Smithtown’s pristine shores and open space for Ed Wehrheim. Pioneering clean energy on Long Island, Smithtown was deemed Long Island’s first Clean Energy Community (by NYSERDA.) Initiatives include:

  • Expanded the Town Fleet of Electric Vehicles and CNG powered trucks to reduce our carbon footprint. 
  • Installing solar panels on various town buildings and using wind power at our Recycling Center. 
  • The installation of electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Planted over 675 trees in 2020.
  • Expanding bioremediation programs such as Shellfish seeding, and building natural bioswales. 
  • Updating the town’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
  • Going Paperless: Digitization of town records into a secure system. 
  • Preserving the Head of the Nissequoge River through the Town’s Updated Master Plan.
  • Creating an Open Space fund to preserve environmentally sensitive land.

Ed Wehrheim has successfully reinvigorated the quality of life within the Town of Smithtown while maintaining it’s fiscal strength. Smithtown holds a AAA bond rating despite a global pandemic. This year’s Moody’s credit report cites a large and growing tax base and strong, proactive management taken by Town leadership during the pandemic. Additionally, Supervisor Ed Wehrheim continues to focus on capital improvements that result in a boost to the local economy, providing a return on investment for the taxpayer.

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Superintendent of Highways, Incumbent
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